pkm - packman’s CLI

CLI Functionality

packman‘s provides a cli interface to packman’s basic features. you can:


the below commands also apply to get (retrieving sources).

  • pack all packages in a packages file (pkm pack)
  • pack a single package (pkm pack -c package_NAME)
  • pack a list of packages (pkm pack -c package1,package2,package3...)
  • pack packages from an alternative packages file (pkm pack -f /my_packages_file.yaml)
  • pack packages with an exclusion list (pkm pack -x packageS1,package2,...)
  • perform all of the above on get and pack using the same command (pkm make)
  • using the basic implementation of the get and pack methods for all packages in a packages file and specifying a list of packages for packman to iterate over to getting and packing a package (or all packages) in a single command.


pkm -h

yeilds the following:

Script to run packman via command line

    pkm get [--packages=<list> --packages-file=<path> --exclude=<list> -v]
    pkm pack [--packages=<list> --packages-file=<path> --exclude=<list> -v]
    pkm make [--packages=<list> --packages-file=<path> --exclude=<list> -v]
    pkm --version

    pack     Packs package configured in packages file
    get      Gets package configured in packages file
    make     Gets AND (yeah!) Packs.. don't ya kno!

    -h --help                   Show this screen.
    -c --packages=<list>      Comma Separated list of package names
    -x --exclude=<list>         Comma Separated list of excluded packages
    -f --packages-file=<path> packages file path
    -v --verbose                a LOT of output
    --version                   Display current version of sandman and exit


when not specifying copmonents explicitly using the –packages flag, the task will run on all packages in the dict.